Are we really just days away from New Year’s Eve?
Read on!
How did that happen? We had so many goals that we kept putting off that we have yet to accomplish for 2015. You know the ones…
“Oh, I want to do xx, I’ll do it after I finish this. I’ve got plenty of time left.”
What happens when the ball drops and you look back over the past year to think about what you did and did not accomplish? Not everyone, but a large majority, will focus on what they didn’t accomplish instead of celebrating their achievements.
The 92% Failure Rate is because people are afraid of change and that causes failure to take the first step towards making something new happen. So we have . . .
10 No-Fail Resolutions for 2015
1. We RESOLVE to wake up to the sound of singing birds after a wonderful night’s sleep in this spectacular suite located on two floors of our very own Tower!
2. We RESOLVE to dine on AMAZING Gourmet food and not get fat because we are in France on holiday and that’s the Secret!
3. We RESOLVE to learn about the many wines of the Loire or Provence Regions, meet the vintners, drink wine, and more wine!
4. We RESOLVE to dip, dunk or immerse ourselves in the Mediterranean Sea, shop in the Markets of the Côte d’Azur and soak in the beauty of Provence.
5. We RESOLVE to carry our Gourmet Picnic Baskets of home-cooked food down by the Cher River, lay out our vintage table cloths, savor our lunch and drink some more wine.
6. We RESOLVE to meet new people and make ‘forever’ friends.
7. We RESOLVE to Try More Things like . . .
8. We RESOLVE to commune with the Kings and Queens of France!
9. We RESOLVE to drink in the Beauty that is France
10. We RESOLVE to . . .